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单词 despise
释义 despise[di'spaiz]vt. 轻视 despise  de.spise  AHD:  [d¹-spºz“] D.J.  [d!6spa!z]K.K.  [d!6spa!z]及物动词)  de.spised,, 1. To regard with contempt or scorn:鄙视:用轻蔑和指责对待:despised all cowards and flatterers.鄙视所有的胆小鬼和溜须拍马者2. To dislike intensely; loathe:厌恶:非常强烈地不喜欢;厌恶:despised the frigid weather in January.厌恶一月份寒冷的天气3. To regard as unworthy of one's interest or concern:蔑视:认为不值得关心或感兴趣:despised any thought of their own safety.蔑视任何关于他们自身安全性的考虑语源:1. Middle English despisen 中古英语 despisen 2. from Old French despire  despis- 源自 古法语 despire  despis- 3. from Latin d¶spicere 源自 拉丁语 d¶spicere 4. d¶- [de-] d¶- [前缀,表“减低”] 5. specere [to look] * see  spek- specere [看] *参见 spek- 继承用法:despis“al  AHD:  [-spº“z…l] (名词)despis“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. despise,contemn,disdain,scorn,scout2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to regard with utter contempt”: 这些动词共有的中心意思是“极度地轻视”: scouted simplistic explanations. &b{esteem} 讥笑简单的解释 esteem




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