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单词 impediment
释义 impediment[im'pedimənt]n. 妨碍, 障碍, 阻止, 口吃【经】 对履行义务的阻碍 impediment  im.ped.i.ment  AHD:  [¹m-pµd“…-m…nt] D.J.  [!m6ped*m*nt]K.K.  [!m6pWd*m*nt]n.(名词)1. Something that impedes; a hindrance or an obstruction.See Synonyms at obstacle 妨碍物;阻碍或障碍参见 obstacle2. An organic defect preventing clear articulation:结巴:妨碍清楚表达的器官缺陷:a speech impediment.语言障碍3. Law Something that obstructs the making of a legal contract.【法律】 缔结合法合同的障碍语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin imped&9{ºmentum} 源自 拉丁语 imped&9{ºmentum} 4. from imped&9{ºre} [to impede] * see  impede 源自 imped&9{ºre} [阻止] *参见 impede继承用法:imped”imen“tal  AHD:  [-mµn“tl]  或 im.ped”“ta.ry [-mµn“t…-r¶] (形容词)




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