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单词 leuk-
释义 leuk-【医】 白, 白细胞 leuk- 1  leuk-  pref.(前缀)Variant of leuko- leuko-的变体 leuk- 2  派生:1. Important derivatives are: light1 luminary,luminous,illuminate,lunar,lunatic,luster,illustrate,lea,lucid,elucidate,translucent,lynx重要派生词为: light1 luminary,luminous,illuminate,lunar,lunatic,luster,illustrate,lea,lucid,elucidate,translucent,lynx2. Light, brightness.光线, 亮度.3. Basic form*leuk- . 基本形式*leuk- . 4. Suffixed form*leuk-to- . 添加后缀的形式*leuk-to- . 5. light 1 , from Old English  l¶oht , l&9{ºht} , light; light 1 , 源自 古英语  l¶oht , l&9{ºht} , 亮度; 6. lightning , from Old English  l&9{ºhtan} , to shine, from Germanic  *leuht-jan , to make light. Both a  and b  from Germanic  *leuhtam . lightning , 源自 古英语  l&9{ºhtan} , 使发光, 源自 日耳曼语  *leuht-jan , 使明亮. a 和 b 都源自 日耳曼语  *leuhtam . 7. Unsuffixed form*leuk- . Lucina , luculent , lux ; Lucifer , ( luciferin ), from Latin  l&9{¿x} , light. 非添加后缀的形式*leuk- . Lucina , luculent , lux ; Lucifer , ( luciferin ), 源自 拉丁语  l&9{¿x} , 光亮. 8. Suffixed form*leuk-smen- . limn , lumen , luminary , luminous ; illuminate , phillumenist , from Latin  l&9{¿men} , light, opening. 添加后缀的形式*leuk-smen- . limn , lumen , luminary , luminous ; illuminate , phillumenist , 源自 拉丁语  l&9{¿men} , 光线, 裂缝. 9. Suffixed form*leuk-sn³- . Luna , lunar , lunate , lunatic , lune , lunula ; sublunary , from Latin  l&9{¿na} , moon. 添加后缀的形式*leuk-sn³- . Luna , lunar , lunate , lunatic , lune , lunula ; sublunary , 源自 拉丁语  l&9{¿na} , 月亮. 10. Suffixed form*leuk-stro- . 添加后缀的形式*leuk-stro- . 11. luster , ( lustrum ), from Latin  l&9{¿strum} , purification; luster , ( lustrum ), 源自 拉丁语  l&9{¿strum} , 净化; 12. illustrate , from Latin  l&9{¿str³re} , to purify, illuminate. illustrate , 源自 拉丁语  l&9{¿str³re} , 精练, 阐释. 13. Suffixed form*leuko-dhro- . lucubrate , from Latin  l&9{¿cubr³re} , to work by lamplight. 添加后缀的形式*leuko-dhro- . lucubrate , 源自 拉丁语  l&9{¿cubr³re} , 借助灯光来工作. 14. Suffixed form*leuk-o- . leuko- , from Greek  leukos , clear, white. 添加后缀的形式*leuk-o- . leuko- , 源自 希腊语  leukos , 明亮的, 白热的. 15. O-grade form*louk- . O级形式*louk- . 16. Suffixed form*louk-o- . 添加后缀的形式*louk-o- . 17. lea , from Old English  l¶ah , meadow (N “place where light shines”), from Germanic  *lauhaz ; lea , 源自 古英语  l¶ah , 草原 (N “灯光闪耀的地方”), 源自 日耳曼语  *lauhaz ; 18. levin , from Middle English  levin , lightning, from Germanic  *lauh-ubni- . levin , 源自 中古英语  levin , 闪电, 源自 日耳曼语  *lauh-ubni- . 19. Suffixed (iterative) form*louk-eyo- . lucent , lucid ; elucidate , noctiluca , pellucid , relucent , translucent , from Latin  l&9{¿c¶re} , to shine. 添加后缀的(重复的)形式*louk-eyo- . lucent , lucid ; elucidate , noctiluca , pellucid , relucent , translucent , 源自 拉丁语  l&9{¿c¶re} , 使发光,闪耀. 20. Zero-grade form*luk- . 零级形式*luk- . 21. Suffixed form*luk-sno- . link 2 , lychnis , from Greek  lukhnos , lamp. 添加后缀的形式*luk-sno- . link 2 , lychnis , 源自 希腊语  lukhnos , 灯. 22. lynx , ounce 2 , from Greek  lunx , lynx (as if from its shining eyes), attributed by some to this root (but more likely of obscure origin). lynx , ounce 2 , 源自 希腊语  lunx , 大山猫(好象源自它闪烁的眼睛), 一些词被认为属于这个词根 (但更可能词源不明). 语源:Pokornyleuk-  687. 波科尔尼leuk-  687.




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