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单词 Mahabharata
释义 Mahabharata  Ma.ha.bha.ra.ta  AHD:  [m\\adie/”h…-b\\adie/“r…-t…] D.J.  [7m$8h*6b$8r*t*]K.K.  [7m$h*6b$r*t*]n.(名词)A Sanskrit epic principally concerning the dynastic struggle and civil war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas in the kingdom of Kurukshetra about the 9th centuryb.c.,  and containing the text of the Bhagavad-Gita,  numerous subplots, and interpolations on theology, morals, and statecraft. 摩诃婆罗多:一部梵语史诗,主要描写公元前 9世纪时俱卢之野战争即般陀婆王国和俱卢族之间的王朝斗争和内战,包含 《薄伽梵歌》 全文,以及众多陪衬情节和有关神学、道德和治国术方面的添写 语源:1. Sanskrit Mah³bh³ratam  [great (telling) of the Bharatas] Sanskrit Mah³bh³ratam  [great (telling) of the Bharatas] 2. mah³-  [great] * see  meg- mah³-  [great] *参见 meg- 3. Bh³ratam  [of the Bharatas, descendants of the legendary Indian king Bharata] Bh³ratam  [of the Bharatas, descendants of the legendary Indian king Bharata]




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